Online platform for foreign languages tutors
to create
your own course
is not necessary
for students
You no longer need to search or upload materials for online lessons. Our interactive textbook will do everything for you. Just open up and start class. You will see how the student completes the task.
Select homework for a student and it will be checked automatically. The result can be seen at any time. And while the student completes the task - have a lesson with other students!
Choose a course suitable according to the level and goals of your student, open the lesson and conduct the lesson right away. You no longer need to spend hours looking for the necessary materials. Everything is uploaded and available on the platform.
Plan your classes right on the platform. You and the student will see upcoming classes on the calendar. The system adjusts to the time zones of each participant. Convenient to transfer and cancel classes in a couple of seconds.
Students remember materials better being in a comfortable environment and getting knowledge interactively. Past lessons and homework are always at hand and are easy to return to.
Online teaching has become the norm for the days that we live in. Just in 12 months I have moved all my students from face to face to online teaching and I believe this is going to stay like this for a long time.
I have been using for about a year and I am more than pleased to say that it is one of the best platforms that I have come across until now. The platform is easy to use, has a lot of materials that we can use but also provides with the option of uploading your own lessons. There is no integrated camera but that is not a problem. The prices for using the platform are affordable and the administrators are very helpful. If you are looking for an online platform I highly recommend that you give quality a try.
I've conducted over 500 lessons on the platform! I can declare that the product is worthy!
Courses are taken from Oxford editions, which is nice (I hate amateur performances). Nice inexpensive online tutorial!
Admins respond to comments promptly and correct errors, this is great, as it feels like people are trying to make their product better!
Many platform problems have already been removed, some still exist, but the trend is good!
I had experience of working on another platform, and what made me mad most of all is the lack of reaction to comments, when they did what they wanted but not what the teachers needed. The situation is not alike here, which makes me pleased!
There are online courses for learning English on the platform. They are based on popular Oxford textbooks and grammar courses. The interactive format allows to involve students into the process and synchronizes the actions of the teacher and the student. But the coolest feature is an opportunity to create your own interactive lessons.
So I have already made the whole Kids course, which is now in the public domain for everyone.
And now I am working on the ecological course for children, and there are some lessons about wild animals and their natural habitats.
Does anyone have any ideas and materials for lessons on the topic “I love the nature”?